
Friday, September 11, 2009

Heard and Observed III

Let's just make it to kindergarten, shall we?:

Ian: I'm never going to college
Me: Why Ian?
Ian: Because I don't want to make new friends


Yes true, but:

At a friend's house for a BBQ, Ian ate 3 hot dogs (two of them with buns!):

Steve: Ian, are you full?
Ian: No, I'm 4


But how will they know to come?

During our time in Orlando, having a conversation with my mom:

Ian: Mom-mom, I am going to throw you a SURPRISE party for your birthday. We are going to get you a cake and a pinata.

Me: Ian, why are you telling Mom-mom about her party if you want it to be a surprise?

Ian: Because it is a surprise for her friends.

Me: Oh


Grandma and Grandpa Toppall came for the weekend to take care of the kids:

Ian notices that Grandma wears her shoes all day long in the house (a concept very foreign to a mostly barefoot Ian).

Ian: Grandma, you need to take your shoes off before going to bed, because we only wear socks or feet.


On the way to Burke Lake Park, Ian points out to Grandma and Grandpa where Bailey is being boarded for the weekend:

Ian: Bailey is staying over there with his friends. He only plays with the medium and big-size dogs because the puppies no longer like him.


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