
Tuesday, November 10, 2009


There is a weird fascination with underwear in our household. When I am folding Ian's laundry, Sam comes over and picks out all of Ian's underwear, gathers them in her arms and hugs them close to her chest. Fortunately they're clean!

About a month ago, I asked Jeff if he thought Ian's current supply of underwear (little boys tighty-whities) were looking too small. Jeff replied with, "borderline." Wanting to be prepared in case a growth spurt occurred (you never get warning with this sort of thing), I tried to figure out the next size to get him.

Each stage in dressing a boy is new territory for me. It turns out there is no size in between 6 and 8. Size 6 is what Ian is currently in and size 8 is apparently what he would go to next. Unable to find a decent selection in the stores with Ian's favorite characters, I went to, ordered them online and got free shipping. Ian was very excited when they arrived and couldn't wait to try them on.

They are HUGE on him!! At first glance it looks like him and a friend can fit in there. Ian tries to make them fit and pulls them up higher than Pee Wee Herman wears his pants. Now Ian looks like he is 4 going on 84. When he pulls them down to a more appropriate level on where they should be, Ian has a lot of 'junk in the trunk'; only it is all air! Oh my!

Obviously we have a few months (maybe even a year) before Ian will be ready to wear the new underwear. But this is Ian we are talking about and if there is new CARS or Spiderman underwear in the house, he wants to wear it.

You always hear how important it is to wear clean underwear in case (God Forbid) you get into an accident, but no one mentions they should fit. At least we will get our money's worth out of this batch because I predict Ian will be about 8 years old before I am asking Jeff if they look a little snug.

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