
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Now you see them, now you don't

I am done with our lawn looking like crap.  There are patches where grass won't grow.  When you have a large lawn, some patches may not be a big deal.  But when your front lawn is tiny, it becomes even more apparent.  After 9 years, I am finally doing something BIG about it.  I've got a plan.

The first thing we've done is get rid of the trees that block a huge amount of sun from hitting the lawn. 

Before with the trees.

It was very cool watching them take the tree down.
After, without the trees.

My next task is to get an automatic sprinkler installed.  Jeff and I do a bad job of watering the lawn regularly.  And when we finally do get on a watering kick, the hose/sprinkler sits there across the driveway, walkway and lawn.  This definitely does not add to our curb appeal.  I'm in the process of getting estimates to see if it is realistic for our budget to have one installed.

Finally, once I've taken care of our lack of sunlight and watering situation, we will address getting the yard reseeded.  I am hoping that by Spring all of our ducks are in a row and our lawn is looking good.

Now that I've managed to demonstrate I can keep Ian and Samantha going strong, I am ready to branch out and tackle keeping the grass alive.

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