
Sunday, October 21, 2018


So I haven't felt very inspired to write lately.  I've spent some time thinking about why and can only come up with the following theory - Writing to me was an avenue to process all the crazy stuff we had going on with the kids and generally living life.  Many days I felt like I was on a high-speed train and there was no getting off.  Every time I turned around, a new crazy situation was occurring or something that should've gone as planned, didn't.  I needed to get it all down on paper before it too quickly became a blur.

Writing was my way of moving on.  Documenting all these little moments and the big ones too so we'd have record of them to look back on when the kids got older.  I never want to forget some of the more outlandish experiences (flying with the kids when they were 2!, taking them to the zoo when they really didn't want to be there, Ian at the dentist, working for The Crazy Man), just like I don't want to forget our wonderful traditions (apple picking, ice cream on the first day of school).  And along the way, there were some very funny moments (accidentally dropping Ian in the trash can, Sam telling Ian that he needs to stop talking because she was going to pass out from his bad breath), the special days (Ian's Bar Mitzvah, my trip to England/Portugal, adopting Lucy) and hitting milestones (getting braces, learning to ride a bike) deserve their place too.

But lately, our life has become so much "easier' (for lack of a better term).  The kids have become very independent and can do so much on their own, without assistance from me and Jeff.  We can leave them alone at night and go on a proper date.  They can prepare simple meals for themselves, and showering is most definitely a solo activity not needing our assistance.  All of our potty training issues FINALLY became a thing of the past.  The kids have wonderful friends with very little drama that normally associates itself with adolescence.  Sam's behavior has vastly improved and she has become a fabulous little person to be around.  Life just feels more comfortable.  It's like this is how it's meant to be lived and I don't count the minutes until Jeff comes home at the end of the day to rescue me.

I still very much want to document the day to day - it's the best form of a diary I'll ever manage to keep, but I need to be inspired to write.  And I just haven't been until now. Something has happened very recently and my first thought was, wow, this day needs to be written about.  So I'm back at the computer and getting back in my groove.  Stay tuned...

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