
Monday, April 20, 2020

Tales from the Pandemic 8

Pregnancy and a Pandemic really don't mix well together.  I had no plans to be traveling to Orlando, especially during two of the most critical weeks for staying at home, but when family needs you, you show up.

During any other time, Lori would have plenty of help when it was time for her to deliver her 3rd girl.  Mom & Jim or Dad & Rita would be available to watch Rachel and Sarah when Lori went into the hospital for the planned c-section.  Plus, Lori would have visitors at the hospital and friends who could stop by when they returned home. Unfortunately the world turned upside down and none of this was possible.  With both sets of parents high risk for contracting this virus, being around Rachel and Sarah was not advisable.  Lori's options for someone to watch her girls was practically non-existent.  She asked if I would come down and I said yes.  How could I not go?  

Flying to Orlando during a worldwide pandemic is one of the most surreal experiences I've ever had.  The airport was empty.  There was no one at the counter.  I went through security and there was not another soul in sight. The whole scene felt like something from a sci-fi movie.  I think there were maybe 4 or 5 other people on my flight.  

I had on my N95 mask, gloves, disinfectant wipes, and a big thing of purell.  I was so well protected, I am sure others looked at me and ran in the other direction thinking I was sick with Caronavirus.  As soon as I got to Lori's house, I took a shower and washed my clothes.  I took as many precautions as I possibly could. 

I'm going to be honest, I was very freaked out about going. My main concern was that I would infect Lori's family or come back and infect mine.  It's been reported that you can be carrying the virus and not have any symptoms.  And this virus is so contagious that it moves from person to person ridiculously fast.   Lori is not worried in the least about me being around them.  I'm like, if this doesn't go well, I'm not only taking down your family, but also newborn!  This will be interesting and hopefully a good story to tell the baby when she gets older.  :)

Going to FL will either be the worst decision I've ever made or will be my best.  I'll know 2 weeks from the 21st.
Suited up and ready to go!

DCA:  Empty!

No one at Security!

Empty terminal!

Almost completely empty plane!

MCO! No one here!  

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