Ian may have gotten the Xbox One with Kinect for Hanukkah, but we've all been having fun with it.
Once I heard the movie "The Interview" was getting released, I knew I had to do my patriotic duty and stream it. I really had no desire to see this movie, but it had to be done as a matter of principle. I was taking a stand and letting North Korea know I couldn't be bullied. They weren't going to tell me what I couldn't do or see. There were a few ways the movie could be seen at home and via the Xbox was one of them. Jeff and I made plans to watch it after the kids went to bed on Christmas day.
As we were getting ready to watch the movie, Jeff and I came to the realization the Xbox only listens to Ian. The gaming system is voice activated and to get to the different screens you need (xbox home, xbox store, what movie you are looking for, etc) it is done by your voice. BUT it only knows Ian's voice. The system doesn't do a thing when Jeff and I speak to it. We had to get Ian to come downstairs and get us the movie. We come to find out when putting the credit card info into the system that we've got parental controls loaded all over this thing and it won't play the movie for us. Ha! So yet again, we needed Ian to help us.
Ian: "Xbox go to settings" hahahahaha.
Ian had to turn off all the parental safeguards and remove the restrictions on purchasing a movie.
It was pretty frustrating for Jeff and me to figure it out. We did manage to access the movie and watch it. We had no idea how to pause the movie, so as soon as it started playing, Ian had to leave the room quickly go back to bed. I am pretty sure it could not have been done without Ian's help.
The next day Jeff says to me, "We have to remember to put the parental controls back on the Xbox."
Um, yeah. I'll get Ian right on that. :)
The day after Christmas, the kids and I are enjoying a lazy morning at home. We end up skyping with my sister Lori, Ben (her husband) and Rachel (their daughter). We hadn't tried skyping yet using the Xbox. After I got Ian to install the app and launch Skype, we were golden. It was great fun. We got to see Rachel take a few steps walking. And we had a big dance party. Rachel kept blowing kisses at us. Ian and Sam only had one small fight during the call. I'd say this was a success.
I noticed that you can now add another caller to the Skype call and conferenced in my dad. I have to say it was pretty awesome getting us all in the same video chat. When you add another person in, it splits the screen in half.
While on the call, my dad's mailman comes to deliver the mail. My dad had him come around to the computer and say hi to us. It was pretty funny. I took a picture. See below.
Yes, that's the mailman. :) |
Before the mailman stopped by. Having fun with Skype. |
I need to figure out how to get the Xbox to recognize my voice. Right now when Ian walks into the room, it will say "Hi Ian." What are the rest of us, mashed potatoes? Geez, I paid for the thing and it doesn't even know I exist. Regardless, technology is sooo incredibly cool.