
Friday, April 13, 2018

Dinner with a side of greivances

Last Saturday night we went out to dinner.  We went 2 miles from the house to a nearby Asian restaurant we all enjoy.  Within that 5 minute drive, the family managed to annoy me.  Not just one person, but all 3.  Now that is some fast acting going from feeling perfectly happy to feeling highly annoyed in no time flat.  It wasn't even the same thing that all 3 of them did collectively.  Nope!  Jeff, Ian and Sam each had their own thing they were doing that bugged the hell out of me. 

I bit my tongue and held in how I was truly feeling. Just because I was annoyed didn't mean I needed to take it out on them. At some point the feeling will go away and I'll be back to my happy self.  I guess I was quieter than usual because as soon as we sat down, Jeff asked me "Are you alright?" 

I answered honestly and said, "No, I am very annoyed right now by each of you."  I then listed what each of them did to bug me. I proceed to go around the table and one by one, told them what was bothering me.  By the time I got done speaking, I instantly felt better.  Just getting it off my chest and into the universe made me feel like a huge cloud was lifted from my mood.

I am pretty sure by the expressions on Jeff, Ian and Samantha's faces that none of them were expecting any of this.  Without missing a beat Samantha fills in the quiet moment that follows (otherwise known as shock) and says, "This is what is annoying me about all of you." She then proceeds to go around the table and tell us what we do that bugs her.  Then Jeff takes his turn and then Ian.  This is how our dinner conversation went that night at the restaurant.

We are all quickly amused by this turn of events and start laughing. Not only that, but we agree with each other that we've accurately described that each of our "quirks" that bug us are pretty much dead-on accurate.  You just can't get mad at the truth.  ;)

We are soon laughing hysterically each time another one of us speaks.  We are enjoying this dinner very much.  I am sure if there was anyone near us over-hearing what we were saying, they would be appalled.  But it was very funny! 

Jeff did say by the time we leave the restaurant this conversation needs to stop. However, on the walk back to the car, he did automatically go to the passenger side and let me drive us home.  It appears he was listening to every word.

I commented we've now turned the last night of Passover into the Seinfeld holiday, Festivus; the airing of grievances.

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