
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Life as we know it

 It's been a while since I've written - not just infrequently - but at all.  How odd that I feel the need to write today.   9 months since the world stopped and everyone was forced to re-evaluate how we did everything - grocery shopping, going to school, going to work, being with friends, traveling, eating out, and more.  9 months since I've been in a movie theatre, which really is something so foreign to me. 

Returning to school is such an elusive concept.  Just when we think a plan is in place to start getting groups of students back to school, our numbers for getting COVID-19 start spiking upward again and everything stops progressing.  Ian was in a group of students, who because they were taking a special Musical Theatre Class, was able to go for 2 hours on a Monday, every 2 to 3 weeks.  He made it in person just 1 time before this plan got cancelled because the metrics were no longer being met in our area.  

I am not sure how we are going to make it to January 26th when they keep saying this Return to School plan is supposed to start.  It's just so hard to imagine that we will actually get the kids back in school this year.  As positive as I usually am, I am not holding my breath thinking its going to happen.  

Travel has been a whole ordeal that depresses me greatly.  So many trips we've had planned had to be postponed.  I'd reschedule the whole thing to a few months later, only to have to do it again and again.  We've been trying to go San Diego since last April 2020.  We tried again in August 2020,  December 2020, and now will try to visit when the kids have Spring Break at the end of March 2021. 

We cancelled our plans to go to Orlando for Thanksgiving.  And, tickets I had to two Broadway plays, originally in May 2020 and June 2020, have each been rescheduled twice (August 2020, October 2020, March 2021, May 2021) before it got to be insane and I needed to stop trying to make it work with rescheduling a 3rd time.  Supposedly, Broadway should be back in action starting in June 2021, but I don't have it in me to keep going around in circles hoping each new rescheduled date will turn out to be the one.  I now have all the money permanently refunded and a credit with Amtrak to take the train within the next year.  But I'd much rather have 2 trips to NYC in the works.  

It's weird that Jeff and the kids have been home since March 13th.  I'm the only one leaving each morning for my job at the preschool.  For the past 7 years. I'd have the house to myself in the afternoons until the kids came home from school, and Jeff came home from work.  Now, they are always there.  Always!   No more quiet weekday afternoons for me.

Fortunately, Ian's dance classes are in person, and Sam's horseback riding lessons are in person.  At least there is a little bit of normalcy amidst all this craziness.

A vaccine for COVID-19 has started to become available and is currently making its way to people, in order of who should get it first.  I am thrilled with this development and hope that life can start to get back to normal.   It's been a long 9 months.

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