
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Spring Break - the show must go on.

What a motley crew were we.  In the 48 hours we were out of town for a little Spring Break getaway, my kids and I fell apart.

I had a head cold (seriously, my head felt like it weighed 1,000 pounds and was in a massive state of fog), complete with a raging sore throat.  Sam's trial week of no miralax was an epic failure.  Despite her being back on the magical powder for 5 days leading up to our departure (and believe me, she had started to go again with great results), Sam experienced a major back-up/blockage and was in a constant state of feeling like she had to pee and periods of pain in her side.  And lastly, Ian had his own set of issues. Something he ate didn't agree with him and at 12:30am at the hotel, he woke-up, ran to the bathroom and threw-up EVERYWHERE.  More than a few times. Ugh. 

It wasn't pretty.  Sam's screaming out in pain, Ian is throwing up, and all I want to do is stay in bed and take lots of Nyquil.  Oh and I forgot, Sam also threw up at our last stop on the trip, right before we went go-karting.  Yowzer!

When I would check in with Jeff and give him a report on how we were doing, he kept offering to drop everything and come get us.  We were traveling with my friend Susanne and her kids.  She too was quick to say we could cut the trip short and head home.  I just kept feeling that we would turn a corner and it would get better.  Each thing on its own was not enough to call the trip short, but when you write it all down and read it, it sounds a bit ridiculous we didn't throw in the towel.

Despite all the issues, we enjoyed our time in Colonial Williamsburg, Richmond and go-karting.  The kids and I will  return to Williamsburg (most likely in the Fall) and make sure Jeff is with us. He would adore the town.  We even heard the Declaration of Independence recited, along with the Calvary doing a reenactment.   The coolest thing was seeing the kids hang on the townspeople every word.  They couldn't get enough.  From the wigmaker, to the blacksmith, the wood maker, taking the tour in the Governor's palace, the kids were glued to every demonstration and hung on every word.  

Once we got back home, we started to return back to normal.  I took Sam to the doctor.  She will be fine as long as we don't withhold the miralax ever again!   Ian didn't get sick again, proving it had to be something he ate and not anything more serious.  And my cold started going away.  Unfortunately, Jeff caught it.  Although I kept telling him, "It wasn't me."  :)

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