
Friday, April 29, 2016

Star Student

In 2nd grade at my kids' school, each student spends one week during the school year being the Star Student.  There are different activities planned each day of the week specifically for the Star Student.  It's a special time that your child gets to enjoy all this extra attention from their teacher and fellow classmates.

At the end of the week, the Star Student gets to take home a beautifully decorated, spiral bound, laminated notebook.  It is filled with a page from each student in their class and the teacher.   The classmates draw a picture and each write several sentences about what makes that Star Student special.

Sam was Star Student right after Spring Break.  When she came home with her notebook, I was blown away by what Sam's fellow students wrote about her.  Apparently, one boy thanked her for standing up to a bully he was having a problem with.  (Huh?  Just let that last sentence sink in for minute.)   And another student called her "courageous".  A few students said she was very funny and loved that she kept them laughing all day long.  Another boy described her pretty like a rainbow and said she is queen.  It was very amusing to see how these kids view Sam.  All of the comments were incredibly cute, amusing and so endearing.

Reading the pages in this notebook had me thinking two thoughts:  1. Wow, what an awesome little girl Sam is.  And 2., Why can't we get more of this version of her at home?

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