
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Putting on my detective hat

I've been hard at work getting Sam to various doctors to see if there is a medical reason for why my little girl behaves the way she does. 

In the last month, I've done the following:

Went to an ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat specialist) to find out why she is getting nose bleeds and if there is anything I need to be concerned about.  Also inquired about her erratic sleep and questioned whether or not she is getting a deep enough sleep or could possibly have sleep apnea.

Working with an Occupational Therapist to see if a Sensory Integration Disorder is coming in to play.  She tends to overreact at the littlest things.

Visited the pediatrician and requested blood work to be done to see if she could possibly have Celiac disease or may not be getting the nutrients her body needs.  Also, spoke to the dr about the incredibly frustrating pooping issues we are experiencing.

It was an A-HA! moment when Heather and I was talking on the phone one morning.  She asked me what some of the symptoms of Celiac are.  There are over 200 associated and I started listing them.  Lo and behold, I was describing Sam!  Nosebleeds, insomnia, constipation, irritability.  Hey, maybe I couldn't see the forrest through the trees. 

Right now I feel like I am spinning my wheels.  Yes, this could all be nothing.  And she could be your average, high-strung, strong-willed 3 year old exhibiting typical 3 year old behavior, but I need to exhaust all avenues.  I want to go to sleep at night knowing I did all I could to see if there is a cause and thus, a solution for why she is challenging to parent sometimes, heck, most times.

The pediatrician thought I was crazy.  I could tell that she thought I was off my rocker and I didn't recognize what a healthy 3 year old looks like.  Apparently her daughter refused to poop on the potty until she was 8 years old.  Really.  So I guess I shouldn't be concerned that Sam poops a little in her underwear through out the entire day - up to 4 or 5 times a day, for the past 3 weeks straight.  That alone is enough for a mom to get in her car and drive off a cliff. 

As for the blood work, she did indulge my wishes and requested the various blood tests needed.  We should have results back in the next day or two.  I just know that if your body isn't operating like it should, your behavior and temperament could easily be affected.  And Sam is too young to communicate effectively if she is feeling run down or maybe her iron is low or something similar.  Plus, with my history of Celiac, there could be a real possibility that Sam has a gluten allergy too.  It would completely suck if this is the case, but it would an easy solution to fix.  I know that kids diagnosed with autism or aspergers are told to eat a gluten-free diet to help with their behavior.  I KNOW Sam is not autistic or even close to being on the spectrum, but it doesn't hurt to give it a try and see if it can help her.

I am a mom on a mission.  My detective hat is on and I am on the case.  I hope at the end of the day, I am told that I am crazy and nothing is really wrong.  But until that time comes, I will continue to look at this from every angle.

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