Ian takes over my blog and becomes a guest writer. There is no better way to hear about his week at camp then directly from him.
As told to me by Ian:

I thought it was a good experience for me to try out. I had a good time. The food was good. My favorite food was the spaghetti and meatballs. And my favorite breakfast food was the scrambled eggs. Both of them were DELICIOUS! For the desserts, there were cookies, brownies, one time we had cake, more cookies and brownies, chocolate bars. To drink they gave us: fruit punch, orange juice, water, and lemonade. For snacks, they gave us the choice of chocolate bars, twizzlers, oreo cookies, and I don't remember the last one. To drink with the snacks they gave us all different kinds of gatorade. My favorite kind of gatorade is the red kind. Also to drink they gave us the choice of water. And that's it; water and gatorade. On the last day for breakfast, we had french toast with syrup, yogurt, oatmeal, and bagels. For lunch we had taco meat, hamburger buns (but they forgot to give us these until we were cleaning up). And for every meal there was salad, buttered noodles (even for breakfast) and tuna fish. I had salad with every meal. Basically all I put in there was pineapple and lettuce. Sometimes we had french fries. The french fries were delicious! And when we had hot dogs and hamburgers, I had one of the best hamburgers I ever had!
My favorite thing to do was go to the mud course. What we did was what the Marines had to do. But the Marines had less than a minute to do this. And our times were about one minute, five seconds.
My least favorite thing to do was go to the lake. The water was way too cold. It was freezing! And I just wanted to get out of there. But on the second time we went to the lake, me and Dagan built a castle with a waterfall with beach toys the lifeguard gave us. And we used the bucket to scoop up water and made a waterfall that connected into the lake, in small creek we made. It looked very cool!
We also had to do some chores at camp. We made our beds. We helped clear the tables. And, no one asked us to brush our teeth or get dressed, but we did that on our own. We did this when the counselors were still sleeping and surprised them.
I went with two of my friends, Dagan and Jeremy. And I met a new friend named, Zach. There were also two other kids in my cabin named Bennett and Micah. And we had four counselors for the six of us. Their names were Ron, Joe, Aaron, and Adir. My favorite counselor was Joe. Ron let me borrow his back pack. I had so much fun with all my counselors.
I shared a bunk bed with Jeremy. He got the top bunk and I got the bottom bunk. Just like both of us wanted. Zach and Dagan shared the bunk bed right next to us. Zach got the bottom and Dagan got the top. And Bennett and Micah shared another set of bunk beds. Bennett was on the bottom, Micah was on the top. There were little closets on the end of the bunk beds. Jeremy and I both unpacked our clothes and hung our laundry bags on the bunk beds. We were the first ones to pick out our bunk beds. That's how we chose where we wanted to sleep.
I had so much fun at Sleepaway camp. But I don't want to go next year because I don't want to be away from my family for 2 weeks, 3 weeks, or 4 weeks. I wish they had one week sessions for the regular campers who return.
The first night we put on a little play. And we did our bunk name (Mem) and we did "Mem was for Madness" and acted it out. Then we went on with all that and did "Mem was for Magic", but most of all "Mem is for Menucha (rest)" And then we all acted like we were asleep.
On the third night, there was a talent show. Our talent was soccer and I kept diving in trying to block the ball from getting into goal. Zach tried kicking it in, but I kept blocking it. He did all these tricks. He kicked the ball into the crowd. Then the last time he finally made a goal on the 5th time.
On the last day of camp, they had a slide show and I was in there 11 times!! I had no idea I was so popular at camp! And every different picture, I was in a different set of clothes. Mom thought that was very weird that I kept changing my clothes so many times. But I didn't think it was weird because they told me to change clothes every time. Every time I changed clothes, I felt more comfortable and lighter.
After we woke up, got dressed and packed our bag for the day, we went to breakfast about 8:00am. Then we did some activities after breakfast, then we had lunch at 12:00pm. Then after a couple more activities and showers (during the 5:00pm shower hour), we had dinner at 6:00pm. Every time we had breakfast, lunch and dinner, everyone of us was so hungry.
I liked camp a lot.