
Monday, November 8, 2010


5:22am.  That's the time Sam woke up this morning.  I firmly believe that Daylight Savings Time was invented to solely mess with me.  I'd like to know at what point do you stop looking at the clock in the morning, at nap time, and then again in the evening and think to yourself, "well, the clock says it is 6:00, but our bodies think it is 7:00." 

We had FINALLY gotten into a great stage where it was getting to be the norm for Sam to sleep until 7:00am.  Oh, how nice it was that I was waking up before her and not the other way around.  Now, she is bright-eyed and ready to party before 6:00am again.  And, its not like you can blame her because her body thinks it is 7:00am. 

I heard a news report that Daylight Savings Time is still being kept around to help conserve a ridiculously small amount of energy each year.  However, I beg to differ with those scientists doing the calculations...we are now just turning on the tv and lights one hour earlier.

To all the moms & dads out there who are dealing with my similar pain and suffering, misery loves company.  Let me know if you would like an early, before sunrise playdate.  We are up!

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