
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hair today, gone tomorrow

I did it!  I finally had the 10+ inches I needed to cut and donate my hair.  And, boy does it feel good!  It feels good to know that I am not only helping others who are less fortunate and will be needing to wear a wig because of Chemo, but it also feels good to get rid of all that hair!

I do not enjoy having my hair long.  Most of the time I kept it in a pony tail and did very little to style it.  While I saved a lot of money on hair cuts, I would rather be able to keep my hair in some sort of shape and style.  And, I want to have fun with color again!

The irony is, the last 3 days before I got my haircut, I was really enjoying the length and how healthy it looked.  Maybe because I knew the end was coming?  I am not sure.  But for a split second I was ready to hold on to it for a little while longer.  Then I remembered the bigger reason I was growing it (Locks of Love) and made my way to the salon.

Funny enough, the woman who cuts my hair, hadn't seen me in so long, that she got pregnant and had a baby girl who is already 2 months old.  We had a good laugh about that and then I told her to go for it.  There is no looking back.

Here are the before and after pictures.

Two things should be mentioned about the "After" picture.  1., The color is actually much more blonde than the picture is displaying.  For some reason this picture is making it look very gray.  That is not the case in reality.  And 2., You'll notice the band-aid on the side of my cheek is because I am in the healing phase of having the mole taken off.  Yes!!  I did it!!!  Woo-hoo!!!

I really wish I could report on the 3rd part of my transformation (lose 25 lbs by Thanksgiving) was going as well as parts 1 and 2 (haircut and mole removal).  But unfortunately, in my quest to lose 25lbs, I've successfully gained 4 lbs.  Ugh!!  I will not give up and plan to keep trying to get to my goal weight.  Of course, I need to stop gaining first!!

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