
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Haircut: hair by hair

Ian's hair is coming along nicely. Growing out the crew cut (number 4 all over!) is well on its way to a great style.  Ian has such a great head of hair and its a shame to not do something with it.  I finally found a hair cutter who understands my vision and is very talented.  He has managed to tame Ian's cowlicks into submission. Heck, he has tamed every single hair on Ian's head into submission.  I love this guy.  Here's the thing, he is a perfectionist.  To the point that it has turned getting a haircut into an hour long ordeal.  Really.  An hour.

When we went 8 weeks ago to our local barbershop (across the street from our house!) for Ian's haircut, we didn't have anyone we particularly liked and was happy just getting the first available chair.  By chance we got "Kevin".  I told him what I wanted and he went to work.  After about 25 minutes Ian and Jeff were losing their patience.  It was very obvious that Kevin needed to stop cutting as soon as possible.  If you've ever seen Jeff or Ian when they've "had enough" it isn't pretty.  It was in everyone's best interest that Kevin be done.  The end result was amazing and I vowed we'd be back again and again specifically for Kevin. 

This past weekend it was time for Ian get another haircut.  We had plans to walk across the street for breakfast at the bagel place and it was too convenient to not go a few stores down and get Ian a trim.  I called the barber shop and asked if Kevin was working.  The answer was yes. 

While we were eating I made sure to remind Jeff and Ian to be patient and let Kevin do his thing.

After a successful breakfast with the family, we made our way to the barber shop.  I didn't readily see Kevin and asked for him.   Kevin was hunched over on the outside bench and was taking a snooze.  They rustled Kevin awake and told him he had a customer.  Turns out Kevin was not the one we wanted!  This guy was much older.  Oh my!  I made a mistake.  The guy we wanted is named Quang.  The mistake was made because Quang was using Kevin's station last time we were there.  Fortunately Quang was in the back and was located. 

Ian sits down in the chair.  All is going well.  An hour later Ian is still in the chair.  All is not well.  Since everyone is doing their best to be on good behavior, Quang is able to do his thing.  It turns out Quang didn't know when it was enough.  I feel like each hair on Ian's head, strand by strand was treated with multiple tools - razor, scissors, texture scissors, straight razor, scissors again.  OMG!  Even I am admitting it was out of control.  I kept waiting for one of us to explode on how long it was taking, but we somehow managed to hold it together.  After about 35 minutes you kept thinking that Quang was going to be done any minute.  But it kept going and going and going. For me, it was getting so interesting to see what he could possibly do next to this young boys head -- who wasn't a model or on tv or in a movie.  :)

I have to admit that Ian's hair looks AH-Mazing!  But next time we are going to make some necessary changes. First of all, Ian will be given his iPad to read a book.  That will help pass the time.  The next change we will make is to tell Quang he has 15 minutes and to prioritize on what to do with Ian's head first.  And lastly, the most important change we will make is to call Kevin by his correct name, Quang.

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