
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Put on your swim suit Pinky!

Sam has a new hobby. Bailey's food and water bowl is elevated for the size of a large dog and the perfect height for her to stand. She likes to see how many items she can put in his water bowl before I realize what is going on and stop her. It used to be just the dish towels that were hanging on the stove. One by one, they would get dunked in the water bowl and then come out causing a big puddle and mess on the floor by her feet. One by one, I'd take them away and after running them through the washing machine and dryer, she would continue her new favorite activity. From time to time, she'd look up and smile at me to see if I was watching her. At first it was really cute and I'd let her get away with it for a little while. Then when I got tired of fishing out the dish towels and mopping up the floor, I put the towels up on the counter top to where she couldn't reach.

Without the dish towels handy, she likes to stand at the water bowl and cook up new things to do. For a while she was taking one piece at a time of Bailey's dog food and moving the nugget from the dry bowl to the water bowl. It must not have been as exciting as originally thought in her mind, because that activity didn't last long.

Just yesterday I found her lovey, Pinky, swimming in the water bowl. Samantha got a big kick out of this one and her laughter gave her away to what was going on. Once I rescued Pinky, she went for the one cabinet she has all access to and started piling the Tupperware in the water bowl. She thought that was great fun too and continued making a mess. It was quite a sight watching me trying to fish the Tupperware containers out, put them in the sink, meanwhile she is scurrying back and forth as fast as she can to grab another one and start the process all over again. Fortunately her laughing slowed her down a little and I was able to catch-up.

I can only imagine what Bailey must be thinking. Ian never had this much fascination with the dog's water bowl so this is new territory for him. Bailey must really like Sam to not be agitated with Sam messing with his food and water supply. But if you think about all the food Sam has slipped Bailey in the past from her high chair (and I am not talking about stuff that ends up on the floor, but food she actually hands to him when we are not looking), he probably thinks this little inconvenience is nothing compared to what she does for him.

1 comment:

  1. That dog doesn't mind, I assure you. As you note, he knows which side his bread is butterred on! Never bite the hand that feeds you ....
