
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Two peas in a pod

A while back we were at my in-laws house and happened to find ourselves looking at old family photo albums. A gem of a piece of paper fell into my hands and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was my husband's kindergarten report card. The teacher's comments were, "Jeffrey enjoys a good joke but sometimes does not know when to stop."

Ian has this joke that he will readily tell anyone who listens.

"Why did the chicken cross the playground?"
"To get to the other slide"

Then he says, "Get it?!?! To get to the other slide!! Isn't that funny?"

Granted, this joke is pretty good. When you hear the other ones he has been telling lately, this chicken crossing the playground joke makes him look like Bob Hope. His newest thing is to come track me down wherever I am at the moment and say something to the effect of "A cow singing Old MacDonald had a farm. Isn't that a funny joke?!?!" "Or Mommy, listen to this joke - a cat wearing underwear on his head. How funny is that joke?!?!"

Somewhere along the way Ian has forgotten the mechanics for what makes a good joke. An opening line and a punch line have seemed to have left his repertoire. I can hear him downstairs watching his shows and every now and then, he'll say "Now that's a good one!". Ian will start laughing this very loud, obnoxious, fake-sounding laugh. He does it with this inflection in his voice that makes him sound like he is heckling the tv.

I shudder to think what he is finding so funny and hope that there really is a joke going on.

I do however find Jeff funny most of the time. I've gotten repeated comments from my friends who thinks he is hilarious. While Jeff''s sense of humor 'had me at hello', there are times when his remarks, along with the 3 foot, 2 inch version of him, just isn't all that funny. I've given up on Jeff figuring this out, but I still have hope for Ian.

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