
Monday, February 22, 2010

Catch me if you can

There is this high that runners get after having a great run. It's appropriately called "Runner's High". It's like a major adrenaline rush that hits you and lasts for hours afterwards. You feel like you can conquer the world and nothing can stop you. Scientifically the feeling comes from a release of endorphins. Whatever the chemistry is behind it, it is an amazing feeling and one that I get each time I go running.

I am now entering week 5 of the 10 week training schedule preparing for the Cherry Blossom 10 miler. The mileage is steadily increasing big-time. I had forgotten how good it feels to be working towards a goal and pushing my body beyond its comfort zone.

Unfortunately, due to the snow and ice on the sidewalks & trails, I've only been able to do one run outside. My original plans were to do at least one or two a week with my faithful running partner, Bailey. However, I was able to stick to the training schedule and complete the runs at the gym. The one good thing with running on a treadmill is the ability to control the speed. I recently had an easy training week and only had to do (3) 2 mile runs. Each one I did, I pushed the speed and started adding an incline on the treadmill. Being able to do 2 miles in 18 minutes with a 1% incline had me smiling the whole day. I didn't come close to being able to do this the first time around when I ran the race 3 years ago. Back then, I could barely break a 10 minute mile. And on Saturday, I did one of the miles in 8 minutes, 34 seconds. I am still in awe that I was able to keep up with how fast the treadmill was moving.

I have a few women that I am friends with who I see regularly at the gym. It has become somewhat of a social hour for me when I go. One day, one of these women stopped and asked me if I was feeling ok. Apparently my face was all shades of red and she was a little concerned that I may have pushed myself too much. I told her that if I ever pass out and fall off the treadmill, to please make my body look like I was in the middle of stretching.

In addition to the Cherry Blossom 10 miler, I've also registered for a quarter marathon on Mother's day (May 9th). This translates to 6.55 miles. I think it will be a wonderful way to keep up my motivation for running and celebrate being a mommy who has managed to be in better shape having had 2 kids than any other time my life.

Watch out world, here comes Robyn! Catch me if you can.

1 comment:

  1. "...if I ever pass out and fall off the treadmill, to please make my body look like I was in the middle of stretching."

    Now THAT is hysterical!!
