
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The morning that time stood still

We are morning people. No doubt about it. All of us. In fact I think the reason Ian and Sam get up so early is because they inherited it from Jeff and me. I joke that by 6:00am, you can find us all wide awake, completely dressed and ready to start our day. However, there aren't many places opened at 6:00am, so you basically will find us at home.

I hear about other families whose kids sleep in until 9:00am regularly. Kids who sometimes need to be woken up to get to school on time. This is definitely not something I'll ever experience. In fact if 9:00am came and no one was awake, I'd be waking them up to make sure they were still breathing.

On Sunday morning, I got a small taste of what it must be like to have a family who sleeps in. My body naturally woke up at 6:00am and I realized it was still the golden sounds of silence all around me. I reached for my iTouch and caught up on emails and FB status' that were generated overnight. Then I rolled over and went back to sleep. 7:00am came and still quiet. Really? Could this be happening? So I checked the iTouch again for the last hour's latest developments and then went back to sleep. It wasn't until 8:00am that Ian and Sam both started waking up.

Wow! What a wonderful feeling to wake-up and know that we were all starting the day completely rested. In 4.5 years of having kids, I can't remember this phenomenon ever happening. A nice way to start the Sunday; which appropriately is known as the day of rest.

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