
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daylight Savings Time is for the birds

It is time for me to rant. Why, oh why do we have to do Daylight Savings Time twice a year? I find it to be a ridiculous exercise that only disrupts our regular schedule. Just when you get in a really good stage, DST wreaks havoc on going to bed and waking up. Of course I find it to be more problematic now having not one, but two kids dealing with the time change. I am sure daylight savings time never really bothered me before I had kids. But, this is the world I live in now and it pains me that two times a year, we purposely go out of our way to mess with something that was working perfectly fine and should be left alone.

I can guarantee you that the person who invented DST never had kids. I realize that the origin of creating DST was to help conserve electricity and make use of longer periods of sunlight later in the day. However, this is no longer needed and the reason for it is obsolete.

Mentally, DST does a real number on you. For days after switching our clocks either moving forward an hour in the Spring or falling back an hour in the Fall, you tend to think in terms of, 'well, if they are going to sleep now, it is because their bodies think it is really 7:00pm, not 8:00pm.' And, 'If the kids are waking up at 6:00am, it is because they really think it is 7:00am'. Oy! There is no end to this madness. This line of thinking even extends to meal times, nap times and general crankiness. It is nuts! Eventually everyone adjusts to the new time difference, but until then, all hell breaks loose when kids are involved.

I'd like to raise my hand and vote that we stop Daylight Savings Time right now!! Let's leave it with more sunlight in the late afternoon. This is the better time change anyway and would be a good opportunity to put a kibosh from any further changes.

Anyone with me?

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