
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

April New Year's Resolution Experiment

To recap, my change for the month of March was going to be no longer double and triple book ourselves with playdates and events. Overall, I think I did a much better job than before, but I am not cured yet. I do believe Jeff wishes that we had more downtime at home and the running around all the time was cut back some. Jeff now regularly books time on the calendar to mow the lawn, watch important play-offs/golfing events, and general home/car maintenance because he knows that if it isn't on the calendar, there will be something else in its place that he is expected to go to.

I don't have a problem with saying no anymore. If the day looks like it is getting too packed with activities, I just reply back with new date options for getting together.

And now, to announce my April New Year's Resolution change. I am going to take better care of my cuticles. I've never had nails that I've been particularly proud of. My cuticles are dry and brittle, and seem to be begging to be picked and ripped off - causing ugly looking fingertips and pretty gross nails. No more!! My plan of action is to every night use cuticle cream and keep the area moisturized and less likely to tear. Furthermore, I'll do a better job strengthening my nails and helping the overall appearance of each finger. This may sound like a silly change, but I am tired of looking at my fingers and seeing redness, scabs and generally raw-looking cuticles. I believe the cuticle is the foundation for the whole nail and hope that this care of the cuticle helps the nail look better too.

1 comment:

  1. Not silly at all. People do notice your hands, and you're right -- ragged cuticles can look scary and even unhygienic :-)
