Each year with Sam gets a little easier. I firmly believe the scales of her being good versus her being "challenging" are tipping her favor. We've come far from the days when her temper tantrums would outnumber the good moments in any given day. During our week at the beach there were a few explosive episodes and everyone around us knew Sam was not a happy camper. Some of these were hard not to laugh out. The ones on the beach, I just let her explode and get it out of her system. I mean, if you can't scream at the top of your lungs at the beach, where can you? :)
Sam in the middle of a temper tantrum. |
At one point during our week at the beach, Sam lost her iPad for 2.5 days. She went all of Wednesday without it and then had an opportunity to earn it back with good behavior. I am pleased to say, she got it back on Thursday morning. Whew! It would've been a bumpy car ride home if Sam couldn't use her iPad.
Sam's whining hasn't been too horrible. I think her being around the older kids has helped greatly. It's like she can hold it in only for so long and then has to let it out. Sometimes it is exhausting to be around her, not knowing if she is going to explode at any moment. Other times, she is this amazing, sweet, lovable little girl who can't stop giving you kisses. It when she's like this that helps me get through the more challenging times.
Sam being adorable and sweet. |
Sam's most epic meltdown came on our last evening in Emerald Isle. We spent a long span of time at the pool in the late morning until afternoon. It was a lot of activity and swimming for Sam. We came back inside, took quick showers and headed to the movies. Afterwards, we went for pizza at a nearby restaurant. It was then that Sam started throwing her fit. She was yelling about being starving and not hungry at the same time. She was causing quite a scene and I took her out of the restaurant twice. It didn't help. We left the place in a hurry and as I was carrying her out, I apologized to all those eating that I am sorry we ruined their dinner. I know that Sam was overtired. She gets to the point of being irrational and doesn't even know what she is saying. It's hard to talk her off the ledge and you just have to get her down to bed as soon as possible.
I am most thankful that my friends are very understanding when it comes to Sam. I don't ever feel like I am alone and they're support means the world to me.
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