
Saturday, June 27, 2009


As I approach my 38th birthday in a few days, I have no choice but to reflect back upon the year and notice that I am falling apart. Physically and mentally, my mind and body is starting to go. I really do think this is a combination of the medical industry being able to test and figure out things more than any other time in history, the Internet being a hotbed of trouble for someone like me who loves to google things, and my age starting to catch up with me.

Over the course of this past year, I had an unexpected appendectomy, a really gross eye infection in my left eye causing me to give up wearing contacts for 3 weeks, and a host of mental issues losing everything under the sun from my cell phone to forgetting appointments made by me.

Most recently I went to the doctor for an annual physical and it included blood work. The results came back surprising. I apparently have a deficiency in iron and B-12. Lovely. So I was told to start taking vitamin B-12 supplements right away and will need to have blood redrawn in a week to make sure it is properly working in my body. While I am there to be tested again, I am given a shot of B-12 for good measure and told that regular, monthly shots will be the norm if the vitamins don't do their thing. It just keeps getting better and better. Fortunately the updated lab results come back that my new daily vitamin is kicking in nicely, but now I am also showing a deficiency in folic acid and the Dr would like me to start a prescription of this supplement. In 3 months time, I am to go back and get rechecked.

Meanwhile, the iron deficiency is something the Dr would like me to see a GI doctor to explore and see if there is some kind of blockage that is not allowing this nutrient (and I am going to take a leap here and say all the other nutrients I am deficient in too) from being absorbed in my body.

I can only hope that this results in the GI doctor finding something on the minor side that would also explain my horribly slow moving (almost non-existent) metabolism. Wouldn't it be nice to think there is an underlying cause to why I have such a hard, hard time losing weight? Who knows what is brewing in my body?!?!?

The recommendation from the GI doctor this morning was to have a colonoscopy and endroscopy. One procedure gives you a view coming in from one direction and the other gives you a view coming from the complete opposite direction. I think you know what I'm talking about. Fun, fun, fun (written with most sarcasm possible). Fortunately you are knocked out and don't feel a thing.

It's hard for me not to associate these ailments with getting older. I try to take care of myself and am huge advocate for being pro-active when it comes to your health. I always thought the earlier and more knowledge you have, the better off you are in preventing something bigger, worse from occurring. But maybe doing these procedures are unnecessary and it is something my body would work out on its own. While I am the first one to appreciate a Kodak moment and can whip out my camera faster than you can say "cheese", who needs all these cameras going in me from every direction!?!?!

The weird thing is, I've never felt better. I firmly believe I am in the best shape of my life and this is even after having 2 kids. I can run faster and farther than ever before. I am eating well-rounded meals with plenty of veggies and fruit. My weight is at an all-time low (believe me this didn't come easy -- I always thought my metabolism lived in my sister's body). I am making it to the gym 5 days a week and have lots of energy throughout the day to keep up with the kids. Sure I could use a nap from time to time, but what mom with 2 small children can't?

A 'nap' is now scheduled for Friday, July 17th from 3:00 to 5:00pm. Stay tuned for all the gory details. I hear preparing for a colonoscopy is the worst part of it. Fantastic. (Please add much more sarcasm than before for this last word).

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