
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Only now can I Iook back and laugh

We are now embarking on the one year anniversary of Ian being potty trained. I've got to say that potty training was one of the scariest undertakings ever! You just never know how it is going to turn out or what you are in store for.

I knew Ian was on his way to being ready when we met at the playground behind our house one afternoon with friends. After we were done playing, we walked back towards our house where some of my mommy friends had their cars parked. Jeanne asked if Jacob could use our bathroom before loading her kids in the car. Sure, no problem! All the kids ran downstairs to either get a quick play in with one of Ian's toys or to use the bathroom. Jeanne and I stood upstairs and continued our chat. Jeanne felt it was taking Jacob (who was about to turn 4) a little too long to go to the bathroom and come right back to her, so she went down and investigated. OH MY GAWD!! She had a huge smile on her face and said I'd want to come see this.

Apparently, Jacob was long done with the bathroom and had moved on to Ian's train table. Ian, however, had decided to take over and had his POOPY DIAPER hanging half in and half out of the toilet. Poop was everywhere! His shorts were down by his ankles. His legs, socks and brand new sneakers (first time wearing them that day) were covered in poop -- because he used his legs as leverage to pull everything down or off. The floor was covered in random poop that flew out of his diaper and the bathroom rugs had a new tint of brown grounded all over it. Then, there's Ian who is standing at the toilet holding his 'wee-wee' over the poop smeared bowl trying to pee like a big boy. He does manage to pee something and then looks at me and says, "m&m now please." WHAT A MESS!! However, I couldn't be more proud of my little guy for trying to go on his own. He had never shown interest in trying to pee standing up before. He must've seen Jacob doing it and tried to imitate him.

A few days later I woke up one morning and decided to go cold turkey on Ian wearing diapers. I am not sure what got in me, but somehow I knew that day was the day to begin. Below is a snapshot view of what we went through with Ian before he got "it".

Typical conversation:

Me: Do you need to go poopy?
Ian: No
Me: Ian, it looks like you are pooping right now.
Ian: Yes, I am. All done.
Me: Why didn't you tell me you had to go?
Ian: I don't know. Can I have 5 m&ms now?
Me (while cleaning up Ian): Ian, this is such a mess. If you could just tell me that you need to poop, it would be so much easier for mommy.
Ian: Will you make my underwear as good as new again?
Me: (as I am putting his dirty underwear in one of Bailey's poop bags, tying it with it knot and throwing it in the trash); Yes.

Yes, only now I can look back and laugh. And, thank God for us all having survived.
They say girls are easier to train and I look actually look forward to finding out.

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