I wasn't expecting much yesterday when we went to the dentist. I always schedule the appointments for first thing in the morning for several reasons; get it over with quickly, no waiting when you are the first one scheduled and the most important factor, Jeff can join us before he heads off to work.
I definitely require reinforcements. With 2 kids, it is hard to give all your attention and energy to the 'problem' child and then ignore the good, sweet, angelic one. Now that Sam is aware of what is going on, she definitely requires a little attention thrown her way too.
We've gone to a really amazing pediatric dentist every six months since Ian was 18 months old. By my math, we've seen him now 5 times before going back yesterday. There is no reason Ian should be throwing a major fit, but then again, it is Ian we are talking about and he just recently got better at getting haircuts and getting his hair washed when taking a bath.
The last visit to the dentist had me laughing so hard I had tears running down my face and continued to weeks later when telling the story to friends and family. Ian's dentist is located in a big medical complex. The building is filled with medical offices of all kinds. Ian won't willingly walk in on his own and Jeff has to carry him and hold him against his will. Ian is of course kicking and screaming at the top of his lungs the whole time. Right next to the dentist is a Retina/Eye medical office with a huge picture window that looks into the hallway. I was pushing Sam in the stroller and was slightly ahead of Ian and Jeff coming out of the elevator. I wanted to get in the dentist office and sign Ian in as soon as possible. I come to find out that right behind me, Ian kicked Jeff pretty hard in the 'family jewels' and caused them both to fall to the ground. An older gentleman in the Retina office sees this happening and rushes out yelling "MAN DOWN OUT HERE. WE NEED HELP."
Even writing this story I am still laughing pretty hard. Ah, suffice to say, we were not off to a good start for that appointment and it pretty much went downhill after that. I am not sure if what the technician is able to accomplish in Ian's mouth even qualifies as getting the job done. But I figure the more we go, the more used to going he'll get and hopefully at some point it will be a slightly pleasant, productive visit. Plus if some type of dental emergency happens, I want to have established a relationship with a dentist for the kids.
So it had been six months and yesterday it was time to go back. Surprising to me that Jeff was willing to come and assist again. What a great husband I have! Again, Ian refused to walk in and even tried hiding in the garage when getting out of the car. Jeff carried him in the building and Ian caused a scene screaming in the elevator. Everyone riding up to the 3rd floor with us was very happy they weren't going to the dentist.
We left a trail of Ian's crocs when it was time to go back for the cleaning. He had tried to make himself invisible in the back of the coat closet when they called his name. Because it is August, no coats were hiding him. Jeff scooped him up and took him to the chair. Jeff started out the appointment sitting on Ian to keep him in place. It wasn't looking good and I couldn't see how Ian could possibly calm down and catch his breath with his father sitting on top of him. I told Jeff to get up and give Ian a second for the hygienist to explain what she was going to do. Ian said he needed a minute to look out the window and see what was going on Route 50. I then told Ian he needed to come back to the chair and he could either sit in my lap or hold my hand. At some point during the next couple of minutes, a miracle occurred. Ian WILLINGLY laid back on the chair and opened his mouth for the hygienist to do the cleaning. Furthermore, she was able to get each and every tooth (front and back). It was unbelievable and Ian even commented on how fast the cleaning went. Yay! We then had a few minutes until it was time for the dentist to come and do his examination. Ian was thrilled with how white and shiny his teeth looked and had the biggest smile that went from ear to ear. We told him the dentist was just going to take a look inside and see how beautiful his teeth were. When Dr. B showed up, Ian jumped in the chair, laid back and opened his mouth bigger and wider then I've ever seen it. It was pretty fantastic. A mom and her two girls had just arrived a minute before Ian saw the dentist and she was blown away by how eager Ian was to have him look in his mouth. Ah, if she only knew what transpired 10 minutes prior.
Just like wine, Ian keeps getting better with age. I look back and realize how normal I thought it was for him to have major, heavy-duty temper tantrums and fits every where we went he didn't want to be. My fingers are crossed that we are getting the worst of it behind us. What a strong-willed, determined little boy I have on my hands. I know these qualities will serve him well when he gets older, but for now, I wish he would be like the majority of his friends who don't cause a scene and don't require two parents to take him places that are going to be tumultuous.
Never one to rest easy and enjoy the progress we've made, on the way out of the dentist office when making Ian's next appointment 6 months from now, I added Samantha to their schedule.
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