
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

For the love of reading

Both Jeff and I love to read.  Very different books; him anything non-fiction, the bigger and more having to do with someone's life or a piece of history, the better.  And me, anything but non-fiction.  Generally I enjoy something a level or two above Danielle Steel, more along the lines of Jodi Picoult, Wally Lamb or Chris Bohjalian.  You probably can't get more different in book tastes than Jeff and I, but the foundation remains the same.  We love to read.  Always have, always will.

It would be fantastic if the kids loved to read too.  But that is something you can't force. It has to come from within.  The kids have tons of books and each night, we make it a point to read a book or two before bed to the kids.  Ian is slowly learning how to read by himself.  It hasn't come naturally, and I've personally logged many, many hours working with him on sounding out words and trying to get the hang of it.  I didn't realize how hard it is to teach someone something that comes so easy for you to do yourself to another person.  But, wow, the English language is tough!

I have a fellow mommy friend who has twin 1st graders.  She had recently put on her FB status something to the effect of the following:  "Highly recommend the book, 'The Strange Case of Origami Yoda' to all your kids who are Star Wars fans.  I've been reading it to the kids each night and we are enjoying it. Beware, there is is some questionable language (crap, idiot), but I just change those words when we get to them."

The next day I was volunteering at Ian's school. It happened to be during the book fair and I asked the librarian if they had this book. She said it had sold out and she could order it, but they did have the sequel to it, "Darth Paper Strikes Back".   The librarian did caution me that this book was a little above Ian's level and that maybe I should hold off on getting it.  Then she reconsidered and said that Ian was mature for his age and could handle it.  I ordered the one that was sold out and got the sequel.  I was very excited and couldn't wait for the book to come in.

The book finally arrived!  Ian and I had a plan to read a chapter or two each night after dinner.  Between the reading he HAD to do for school each week and the reading of the books Jeff does with him before bed each night, Ian and I managed to find a few minutes to spend reading another kind of book.  This was a big, meaty book!  We're talking a 160 pages!   This was brand new territory for Ian.  He hadn't yet experienced a book that couldn't be finished in one sitting or two. 

We kept to plan for the first week or so and managed to walk away from the book after our 15 or 20 minutes of reading.  Then something very familiar happened.  Ian and I really got into the book.  It was getting great and we couldn't put it down.  Before you knew it, Ian was requesting we read the book before the table got cleared and dishes were put in the dishwasher.  The last 50 pages were read all in one sitting.  Neither Ian or I could put the book down.  His enthusiasm on seeing how the story was going to end reminded me of how I am with a really good book.  I was just as into the book as he was and was tickled pink that we found this reading happiness together.  Yes, that's my boy!

I have to say this author, Tom Angleberger, rocks!  He managed to do something that I thought would've been near impossible.  He wrote a book that not only spoke to the 6 1/2 year old Stars Wars-obsessed boy I have given birth to, but also wrote a book that speaks to the chick flick reader in me. And I don't even care for Star Wars!  The ending was so good and made me fall in love with reading all over again.

Ian and I were very excited to start reading the follow-up book.  Score one for mommy on thinking ahead and getting this book already purchased. 

It appears that Ian's love for reading has started to see the light.  May have to get him a good bedside light for him to continue reading through night.  Just like I did when I was a little girl.  Because some times finishing a good book is much more important than sleep.

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