
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

September's New Year's Resolution Experiment

My change for August was to track all my food and write everything down. I did it! I tracked every single thing I ate (even the 600 calorie Dairy Queen Blizzard!) and owned up to the good, the bad, the ugly. Overall, I was surprised at how much I was eating and how much of it wasn't necessary. I am still in love with It really is amazing to see how many calories I have left in the day. Of course, there were many, many ugly days when I went way over my allotted calories. My weight fluctuated back and forth the same few pounds. I believe I've finally lost at least 2 lbs. I am not going to meet my goal by losing 25 lbs by Thanksgiving, but I am not going to give up either. I've come to realize I have serious issues with food and need to get the snacking under control.

My change for September is to no longer be connected all hours of the night. I am no longer going to sleep with the iTouch next to my bedside table. I will no longer check email and/or Facebook every time I turn over and glance at the monitor to see how Sam is doing.

I am hoping this change will help me realize what a nut I've become. It is not necessary to be checking email throughout the night. I really don't have anything that important that comes across my inbox during the daylight hours, let alone at 2:00am. I really need to be sleeping better. By not having the iTouch within reaching distance will help.

My mom, upon seeing how obsessed I was when she came to visit, was really hoping I'd not touch the computer for 2 days each week and really give myself a break. She thinks the constant checking email and Facebook is stressing me out. While I don't think I am ready yet to give it up 2 days a week, I can certainly try one month without being able to connect during the middle of the night. Baby steps.

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