
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Heard and Observed XIII

Ian: Momma, I am halfway to 10. What are you halfway to?
Me: Um, 80.


Ian: Momma, I forgot to tell you, it was a little brother I wanted. Not a little sister.


Ian and I are driving in the car, listening to the radio. The announcer comes on and gives a weather report. "The low tonight will be 68 and it is currently 90 degrees right now."

Before the announcer can even finish giving the weather report for the rest of the week, Ian says "that means it will drop 22 degrees". OMG!!


Coming downstairs one evening and discovering Ian hanging out in his underwear -- something he normally never does. Apparently Ian was getting ready for a bath and got distracted with something or other.

Me: Ian, you look so cute hanging out in your underwear.
Ian: Aw Mom, you don't need to blog about this.


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