
Monday, December 20, 2010

Heard and Observed XVII

When I pick Sam up from preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have lunch in the car ready for her to eat.  This way, when we walk through our front door, I can put her down for a nap immediately.  On this one particular occasion, I had a turkey sandwich for her.  She quietly ate it and was still working on it by the time we got home.

Me:  "Sam, finish your sandwich and then you'll go down for a nap."
Sam:  "Yummy.  Daddy fix this?"
Me:  "No, I made it."
Sam:  "Oh."


It was about 5:00pm one afternoon and I was in the kitchen making dinner. Sam was at the dining room table coloring a picture.  Ian comes up to the kitchen and starts to throw a fit about something or other.  Maybe it was that he was hungry and needed dinner NOW.  I told him dinner wouldn't be ready for another 30 minutes and could have a healthy snack (gogurt or cheese stick) in the meantime.  His temper tantrum escalated even more and then he stomped off and went back downstairs.  Sam looks at me and says, "Ian tired."   I said, "Yep, that's right.  Ian is tired."  Hearing this exchange of words, Ian comes back upstairs and yells at Sam and me, "I AM NOT TIRED.  I AM NOT!!!!!".  And then he promptly goes back downstairs.  Sam looks at me and says the following:  "Ian tired.  Ian pajamas.  Ian need nap."


Sam was at the doctor a few days ago and needed a booster shot.  She watched the needle go in her thigh and didn't flinch, cry or scream.  She is one tough chick.  After the shot was over she said, "Sam done now.  Let's go." 


The day of the first snowfall we had in our area, Ian's afternoon kindergarten got cancelled.  He was on the computer, playing some games at and I was watching the show, "The Talk".  Sam was napping.  Anyway, on the show, they featured this one family going through some tough challenges and was about to lavish the mom with all these gifts and things her family could use.  The clip showed the family had 3 boys (ages 10 and younger) all dealing with Autism.  I looked over at Ian on the computer and saw how full of life he is, how vocal he is, how wonderfully sweet he is, how fortunate we are and totally lost it.  I broke down and started crying.  I went over to Ian, grabbed him in a big hug and didn't let go.  I said, "oh Ian, I love you so much.  I love you so, so, much."  And of course, the tears are flowing.  Ian looked at me and said, "I get it.  You like me."


I made a veggie lasagna one night for dinner.  At the exact moment that Ian and Sam each had their first bite, they came out with this:

Sam:  "It's delicious."
Ian:  "I don't like this."


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