
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I do it myself!

Let me introduce you to my incredibly head-strong, fire cracker of a daughter, Samantha.

Most days she goes to school wearing her pajamas.  We've had mornings where I've taken them off her 3 times within 40 minutes, and only to turn around 5 minutes later to see that she has fished out last night's pajamas from the hamper and put them back on.

When driving in the car, she feels the car seat rules do not apply to her and therefore the arm straps just aren't needed.  Despite me pulling over several times to get her arms back in the straps and tighten them extra tight, she manages to get her arms back out before I can even get back in the driver's seat.

Several times taking Ian to school, which is just 1/2 mile away, Sam will not only take her arms out of the car seat straps, but also take her shirt completely off. Forget getting her to put on a coat and socks/shoes in 30 degree weather, I feel lucky if she is still dressed by the time we drop Ian off.

Sam's favorite hairstyle these days is the "white trash look".  Who can catch her and get a brush or barrettes through her hair?  The non-kept look goes great when sporting pajamas.

Her teeth are clean though!  Sam loves to brush her teeth, to the tune of 3 or 4 times a morning.  Sometimes you can even find her brushing her teeth at 3:00am.

Sam is very adept at putting her clothes on, not only with 100% accuracy (everything facing the right way) but in complete darkness too.  We usually find her the next morning wearing yesterday's clothing over her pajamas.

Sam insists on doing the dishes each night after dinner.  She brings her step stool over to the sink and then looks at either me or Jeff and tells us there is room to join her.  And, she has first crack at unloading the dishwasher too.  Her favorite thing is to put the silverware away, personally hand me the knives, and stack all like items on the counter (the bowls, plates, tupperware). 

At 2 years of age, Sam is definitely giving us a run for our money.  I haven't even touched on her sleep deprivation issues (lack of nap, waking up in the middle of the night) and the effect that has on her temperament.  She is a force to be reckon with.  It is a good thing she is so darn cute and that love is unconditional, because right about now, it is kicking in high gear to get us through each day.

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