
Friday, March 18, 2011

Heard and Observed XXI

Sometimes Sam's personality comes shining through in a good way.  She has this way of cracking me up and giving me reason to smile all day long when I think of something she said or did.

Sam has names for each piece of her clothing and in order to ensure a smooth morning (or smoother than normal), you only hope that you are familiar with what she is calling each item and that it is clean and ready to be worn again. 

On Tuesday morning, Sam picked out her clothing (Heart shirt, black tutu skirt, heart on butt tights).  This is one of her most favorite outfits and I had just done her wash.  Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

SAM:  I need help with my tights (she scrunches up her face like she is smelling something rotten), they are hard, but I can do my shirt and tutu skirt all by myself.

I get Sam's tights on her. 

SAM:  You can go now.  I can do my shirt and skirt all by myself!

I stay in her room wanting to watch and be close by in case she needs help. 

SAM:  Go now!! And close door.  I can do this all by myself.

ME:  Fine, I am leaving.  (You pick your battles and this is sooooo not something I am going to fight with her about.)

Two minutes later, Sam comes downstairs to the kitchen where I am.

SAM:  Look at me!!!  I did it all by myself!!!

And she had completely and perfectly put her shirt and skirt on herself.

Ian comes to the kitchen 1 minute later, complaining about having to eat oatmeal again for breakfast. 

SAM: Ian, take deep breaths.  Deep breaths Ian.

(Not sure where she got those words.  I take deep breaths all the time when dealing with Sam in one of her moods, but I've never said them out loud.)

Ian is now really complaining about having to eat oatmeal.

SAM:  Ian, go downstairs.  Leave the kitchen.  Go!

Ian didn't say another word and went right back downstairs.

My two year old (when well-rested and in a good mood) takes control of the situation and has no problems showing us all who is boss.

This gets filed under  "Battles Not Worth Fighting:"

On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, Sam decided her pink dress-up princess shoes would go best with the outfit she picked to go to school.

And you should see her run in them too!  Tina Turner could learn a thing or two from Sam.  By the way, it should be noted that in her bag she is carrying to take to school, it includes 4 more pairs of princess shoes in all colors.  I guess she wanted to be prepared should it be necessary to change her heels mid-morning.

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