Well we made it to the Lego Exhibit at the National Building Museum. We got our tickets in advance and showed up right on time, as the museum was opening. Since we knew we were guaranteed entry, we planned our arrival to minimize any waiting and at exactly 10:59am (1 minute before the museum opens on Sundays) we were pulling up in front, looking for a parking spot. Jeff blew me away with his parallel parking skills (something he doesn't normally excel in) and got the car in a spot, many others I am sure, didn't even attempt to try. This spot was calling our name as it was directly in front of the doors.
Here is a picture of the most beautiful parking job I have seen a long time. I was so proud of Jeff for having an open mind that the car would make it in between these two cars. He didn't even come as close as tapping either the front or back of the cars too. Way to go honey!

We walked inside and discovered, that if we had shown up on this day, without tickets, we would've had no problems getting some. Who knew!?!?!

The Lego exhibit was definitely cool. Some of these models were unbelievable and the amount of time to design and build them were crazy time-intensive. Unfortunately, I think Ian was not as impressed or amazed as we'd hoped. I don't think he realizes the amount of talent that went into building something like this. And, of course, it went way over two-year-old Sam's head. I can pretty much tell you she got nothing from our walk-thru of the exhibit or even understood why we were back at the same building again. But, Jeff and I appreciated the works of art we were seeing and loved that we had the opportunity to check it out.
Afterwards, we went to the playroom at the museum (designed for 2 to 6 year olds) and the kids enjoyed getting to touch stuff and create things. It was time for lunch, and we made our way to the Green Turtle, a restaurant which was 1.5 blocks down from the National Building Museum. To our delight, kids get to eat free when an accompanying adult is getting an entree. Yay!!
The timing for Jeff and Ian's next activity - a Washington Nationals Game with Ian's buddy Ethan and his daddy - was perfect. Sam and I dropped them off and made our way home.
All in all, it was a great day and I loved that we were able to take advantage of this great city we live so close to.
SO impressed with Jeff's parking job. Truly!