We got off to a bit of a rocky start when dropping Ian off. He was super excited about starting kindergarten, but when it came time to say good-bye at the school, he got very nervous and didn't want to stay. Fortunately, he got over his nerves and went on to have a fantastic first day. Yay!
And, we continued our first day of school tradition of going out for ice cream after dinner. I think this is a treat for all of us, not just the kids!
Sam starts school this Tuesday. I am just as excited for her. I think she did great at camp this past summer and loved getting to experience what the big kids do. I love her teacher in the 2's class and I know she will not only learn so much, but have fun doing it. The neat thing is that a large majority of the kids in her class are the siblings of kids that Ian went to preschool with. Sam is already very familiar with this younger set and it will be a comfortable setting for her to be in.
To fill in the time, I signed up the kids for a few classes/activities. I am going to be spending a lot of time in the car shuffling everyone back and forth.
Ian kindergarten: 10:25am to 12:30pm
Sam preschool: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Ian T-ball : 10:30am to 11:15am
Ian kindergarten: 11:40am to 3:00pm
Sam ballet/tap class: 9:30am -10:30am
Ian kindergarten: 11:40am to 3:00pm
Sam preschool 9:30am -12:30pm
Ian kindergarten: 11:40am to 3:00pm
Ian soccer practice: 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Ian kindergarten: 11:40am to 3:00pm
Sam gymnastics: 10:00am to 11:00am
Ian - soccer game: time changes each week
Ian religious school: 9:00am to 11:15am
I realize this is a lot, but you need to understand that my kids have tons of energy. I want to keep them active. Plus, it isn't fair that I only enroll Ian in activities without letting Sam try some too. Fortunately I have Jeff and we can divide and conquer if there is any overlap of activities/religious school/birthday parties on the weekend. We work well as a team and really do enjoy taking the kids to their events.
My plan is still hit the gym each weekday - with either one or both kids. We will see how that goes. A lot of Ian's close friends have PM kindergarten too, so he will get to see them in the morning at the kids' club at Gold's Gym. This will make it a win-win situation for me. I get to workout and Ian & Sam are happy getting to play with their buddies.
And at 1:00pm each day, I will be home for Sam to take her nap. I am hoping this nap continues through the whole year. Ian gave up his nap by the time he was 2 1/2 years old. It was not a fun time I tell you!
I am not sure how parents with more than 2 kids manage to do this. I already feel like I need to check the calendar each hour to make sure I am where I need to be. This year is going to be tough with all the juggling of schedules. Now that Sam is getting a little older and can do more, the stay-at-home-mom-part of my job is getting less and less being at home. :)
Thank god for blackberry calendars!