
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My big boy is 6!

Sometime during this past year, I stopped thinking of Ian as my baby.  He has become my little buddy and I feel he is incredibly wise beyond his years.  Due to 1/2 day kindergarten, Ian and I had the good fortune to spend lots and lots of time together this past year. He made me laugh and be in awe of things he said, more than a few times a day with his quick wit and wisdom.  I absolutely love the little person he has become and it's easy for me to say this, Ian is one of my most favorite people to be around.

Time and time again, I get so many compliments from other parents on how polite and well-spoken Ian is.  He is incredibly articulate, demonstrates manners and is an all-around joy.  He does a great job of sharing, taking turns and wants everything to be as fair as possible.  I wouldn't be surprised if Ian ran for political office one day.  With his friendly demeanor, charming personality and ability to talk to any one, he may already be in training.

This is the year that Ian discovered Star Wars.  He literally eats, sleep, breathes it 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  He has watched all the movies, tv shows, videos and read the many, many books about it countless times and still comes back for more.  He thinks through each character, every plot scene and relationship and asks Jeff endless questions each day.   I think one would use the word "obsessed" to describe Ian and his Star Wars infatuation.   All he needs to hear is that another child likes Star Wars too and Ian will have no problem talking to him/her for hours.  He'll find out if they've seen the movies, played the Wii game, or watch the tv show.  Any affirmative answer and Ian is well on his way to striking up a lively conversation.

Ian's energy level has not gone down at all over the past year and he still hops, runs, and now does cartwheels all day long.  He plays hard and sleeps hard.  It is surprising to me how amazing of a sleeper Ian is.  He makes sure he gets his 11 hours (sometimes more) each night and nothing (I mean nothing!) can wake him up before his time.  Sam could be screaming at the top of her lungs just outside his door and Ian doesn't even flinch.

We decided to start giving Ian an allowance this year.  It is just $1.00 a week, but we want him to learn the value of what money can buy, the importance of saving and to teach some responsibility.  When we told Ian about his allowance (to be paid on Sundays), his response was, "Great, and if you forget to give it to me one week, than you need to give me double."  Wow, we came to Ian offering this allowance and he turned it around on us and told us his terms.  What a great business mind!  And you know what?  More times than not, we are giving paying him $2.00 on a Monday because we forgot.

Ian loves school and made friends very easily this year.  He has his list of favorites and the girls are getting ranked higher and higher as he gets to know them.  I love it when I go to pick him up at the end of the school day and he tells me all about the kids.   Reading is slowly coming along.  It is definitely not his speciality and something that we have to work very hard on to master.  Math is still Ian's strong suit and amazes me how fast he picks up new concepts like multiplication and division.

Ian's enthusiasm for sports still far outweighs natural talent.  He loves to play any kind of game and has plans to play NFL football after college.  This past year Ian mastered riding his bike without training wheels and has progressed to being a swimmer (no arm floaties), with putting his head underwater and holding his breath.

Ian has more patience than I do when it comes to Sam.  He looks out for his little sister and does what he can to help minimize the temper tantrums she throws.  You can tell how much he loves her and really enjoys being around her.

To my funny, smart, kind, adorable, energetic, considerate, Star Wars-obsessed big boy, I hope you have the happiest birthday ever.  I had no idea what my life was missing until you showed me on May 31, 2005.  I love that I am your mom and am so proud of all you do and who you are.


  1. Hey Robyn-
    Its so cute to read your blog. I don't get to see your kids often, so reading this makes me feel like I can get to know them so much better!
    Happy B-day to both kids!

  2. Awe. I love reading your blog keep it up!
