
Saturday, July 23, 2011

A date I am quite fond of.

To most people, today, July 23rd is another ordinary day.   A day that falls in mid-Summer and has no special significance.  But to me, the 23rd day in July will always have a place near and dear to my heart.  For it is this day, 8 years ago, that Jeff proposed marriage. 

A guy who loved me enough that he wanted me take his name, start a family with and for better or for worse, start and end each day with me.  You can always tell someone you love them and want to be with them when everything is going great. When the skies are blue and the birds are chirping, it is very easy to be in love.  But its when the days get challenging and less-than-stellar situations are presented, that the love you feel for your significant other is tested.  That's when it takes all your strength to still be in love and want to stick around for those better days you hope come soon. 

With me, this is when I love Jeff even more.  When I see how he deals with $3,000 in unexpected car repairs.  When, a few years ago, he got laid off and we weren't sure how long it would be before the next job opportunity came along and with it, a very much needed paycheck.   How he handles a baby whose neck refused to rotate all the way around and we weren't sure Ian would ever be able to sit-up, crawl, or walk because of the condition.  When an emergency appendectomy comes out of blue and puts me out of commission for a few days.  How supportive Jeff was with my Celiac diagnosis and instantly offered to eat gluten-free too in the house.  And the day to day dealing with all the little stresses and challenges life brings on, magnified even more by yours truly.

When the chips are down is when my love for Jeff is at an all time high.  When I know we can lean on each other and weather any storm that comes our way.  I had no idea 8 years ago when Jeff got down on one knee that while it is easy to love someone during the fun, light-hearted days, it was during the heavy periods I would feel my love for him go to whole new levels.

And without hesitation, if Jeff were to propose again, I'd say "yes", a million times "yes" to be engaged to this kind of man.

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