
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I got your digits

Ian has made a new friend in school.  His name is Michael and is new this year to Fairview.  Ian came home and said he wanted to call Michael.  Since we don't have the directory yet, I told Ian he'd have to get Michael's number at school the next day.  Ian comes home with Michael's number written on a post-it note.  Ian walked around the house carrying it from room to room, not quite sure the best place to keep this important square piece of paper.  I believe Ian settled putting it on the desk in his room as the final resting place.

After dinner, Ian made THE phone call:

Phone rings and the answering machine picks up -

IAN (with an incredibly shaky voice, in a low tone):  Um, this is Ian.  Could Michael call me back as soon as possible?  This is Ian.  Thank you.

No return phone call that evening.  We come to find out that Michael was in the shower at the time.  No return phone call the next day or the next.  The weekend goes by, still no call from Michael.

It should be noted that Ian and Michael are in class together and see each other all day, every day of the week.

Monday, I drop Ian off at gymnastics and come back home.  The message light is blinking.  I play the message.

MICHAEL (with an equally incredibly shaky, nervous voice):  Um, this is me.  Please call me back.  It's Michael.  Ian, call me.

Because Ian wasn't going to be home until 8:15pm, I called Michael's house right away to find out how late it would be ok for Ian to call back that night.  Michael answered the phone and found out from his mom that 8:00pm is the latest to get a return phone call in.  I asked to speak to the mom and introduced myself.  I said that Ian would love to have a playdate with Michael and set something up for later in the month.   Michael's mom said it would be ok for Ian to call Michael at 8:15pm.  I ended up speaking to her for 10 minutes. Super nice mom!

Ian comes home from gymnastics.  I let him listen to Michael's message and told him it was ok to call back.  Here is the conversation when Michael picked up the phone:

IAN:  Hi Michael.  This is Ian.

MICHEAL (I am assuming Michael replied with):  Hi Ian.

IAN:  Um, I just got back from gymnastics. I'll see you tomorrow at school.  Bye.

The whole conversation lasted 20 seconds.  It was super cute how they had nothing to say to each other, but it was SOOOO important they told each other in their messages to call each other back immediately. 

This was Ian's very first phone call to a friend.  He did it all on his own; got the phone number, dialed it on his own and left his own message.  It was very adorable to watch the whole thing play out.

Ian is growing up.  It's fun to watch these new milestones. 

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