My husband went to Lake Tahoe last weekend to help Ben (future Brother-in-law) celebrate the ending of his bachelorhood. While I am more than capable of taking care of both kids by myself, I am sure by the time Jeff walked back through our front door, I would've been more than a little harried. And who wouldn't want an extra pair of hands to help out? My sister, who is a 3.5 years younger, was up to the challenge and came to visit.
For those who know us best, you can usually count on at least one good fight between my sister and me whenever we come together. I won't go into the details, but we fight, well, like sisters. We also get over whatever it is that is bugging one of us pretty quickly and move on. This visit was different and it was refreshing relating to Lori on a new level.
From the moment Ian heard Aunt Lori was coming to visit, he had a smile on his face that went from ear to ear and nearly stayed like that the whole weekend. At least 4 or 5 times a day, Ian asked Aunt Lori to move to the area or in with us. Upon further questioning, because we only have a 3 bedroom house, Ian said he would build her a bedroom. Aunt Lori said she would do bunk beds and Ian was happy with that as answer as long as he could have the top bunk. He even suggested she pick up a kid or two to have when she relocates here. Seeing them interact was priceless. Ian couldn't wait to show his aunt all his toys and invited her to go fishing with him and Pop-Pop Jim when Ian goes to Florida in August.
Ian was on his best behavior around Lori and I am sure Lori still has no idea just how much work is involved taking care of two kids. Both of the kids did the unheard of and slept till 7:00am on Saturday and Sunday, and Samantha took some nice, long naps each time we put her down.
I splurged and got a babysitter for Saturday night so Lori and I could go to dinner and a movie. We saw "500 Days of Summer" and it was fantastic. Amazing script, cast and a fun soundtrack. It was nice spending the evening with her and of course, it makes me wistful to be closer to family again.
My only disappointment is that the opportunity did not present itself for Lori to change a dirty diaper. She got away scott-free! Come to think of it, I don't think Lori has ever changed a diaper. However, us getting along and being great friends for 48 hours was anything but a disappointment. I love you Lori! You're the best!! And, I can't wait to dance at your wedding.