When we first started there was 4 of us. These women are anywhere from 4 to 6 inches taller than me and easily weigh 30 pounds less. I call them Gazelles because that is what they look like when they are running....their long legs stretched wide apart, gaining speed as their body warms up and running like the wind. Then there is me. It takes me about 3 steps to equal their one. I feel like a hamster on wheel doing double-time to keep up. We all start out together, but soon, no matter how badly I want it, I'll never be running right beside them. I feel happy when I can keep their bodies still in view, knowing I am not doing that bad of a job too far behind. We are all run at our own pace and it is inspiring when our per minute mile time gets quicker. The crazy thing is, while I coined the term "gazelle" to describe these women, they think of me as one too. And they've seen me! It makes me want to do a better job. I'd hate to disappoint them. We are each other's best cheerleaders and together there is nothing we can't accomplish.
We meet very early on Saturday mornings, usually in the 6:00am hour. It is important that we do this before the kids' activities have us running in all directions. This is something we do just for ourselves. It is "me" time. It helps me clear my head, get the day off to a great start, and is a great stress-reliever. Running for me is free therapy! After coming back from a run, I feel incredible! On top of my game!
I find these women so inspiring. All of them have their reasons for being out there. One of the Gazelles will find a race for us to run and the next thing you know, we are standing at the starting line waiting to take off. Since the end of February, I've run more races these past few months combined, than I have in all my years prior. I've done the "Love the run you're with 5k", Cherry Blossom 10 miler", "Rockstar 8k", "Island Creek Crock Trot 5k", and most recently, the "Pacer's Mother day 1/4 quarter marathon".
Due to the impending summer heat, I am taking a break from the registered races over the summer, but will still be an active participant in our Gazelle runs on Saturdays. I hope these never go away. Riding on the coat tails of the Mother's day race, we have all registered for the Marine Corps 10k on October 31, 2010. One of the women, Maria, will be doing her first marathon on this day.

I look forward to our runs each week. I love being around these women. With their support and encouragement there is nothing I can't do.
great post robyn! i too LOVE our group...and it's all thanks to you :)