
Friday, July 6, 2012

And we're on a roll...

I've now been back for more than a week and part of me still feels like I am on a big break.  Jeff has gotten so used to doing everything himself, he has yet to fully escape from this mode of movement. 

Before I can walk from one of end of the kitchen to the other (and let me tell you, it is not that big of a kitchen), he'll be multi-tasking emptying the dishwasher and taking the trash out.  Don't get me wrong, its not like he never did this stuff before, because he did.  I never had any complaints how helpful and ready to pitch-in Jeff was.  However, it usually takes the clean dishes or the trash a little while to sit there before he notices and takes action.  More times than not, I'll be the one to swoop in and just get the job done.  Now, its the other way around and Jeff is on it!   It's pretty impressive.

Or, when I come back from the pool with the kids, before we can all get through the front door, Jeff has already gathered our wet towels & suits and started the wash.  Really!

And don't get me started on the grocery store. Yeehaw! We are going on almost an entire month since I stepped foot in one. 

The best is at the end of the day when he takes 5 minutes and packs the kids' backpacks for camp the next day.  I love watching him gather their bathing suits, and towels, and everything else they need to be ready.   There was one evening when I (foolishly!) told him he didn't have to do that, I could do it in the morning and he replied with, "You'd be surprised how quickly 8:30am gets here."

And from the grocery store to the folding & putting away laundry, the examples are endless and too many to list here.

I have to admit, it is very nice having someone be this on top of it.  All the other times I was away from the family for a girl's weekend or to go to a wedding, I guess I wasn't gone long enough to have had this reaction.  10 days must be the right number. 

I call this "The Jeff Effect".  It was unintended, but still a very nice result.  Who am I to get in his way? 

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