
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Beach Bound

Right now, my Toppall team and I (sans Jeff) is at the beach.  We are near Topsail, NC for the week.  Call us crazy, but we've got 5 kids (ages 2 to 7), plus Jen and me in a one bedroom condo.  Jen's Sister-in-law's Father graciously offered to let us use his condo.  How could we turn down an offer like that?

I love the beach!  Once I got married and started having kids, I had grand delusions of doing a week at the beach with the family each summer.  The one thing I didn't take into account is that Jeff hates the beach.  More specifically, he hates the sand.  He hates the ocean.  He hates being outdoors.  He pretty much hates it all.  And then there's the cost.  A week at the beach is expensive and this is one cost I am not going to press for us to incur when we'd have a big 'ole Mr. Cranky Pants hanging with us.

So, here's the beauty in our current situation.  I'd like to think of my friend Jen as my partner-in-crime.  She trained and did the Philadelphia Marathon with me.  We are going to pack up the kids and drive down to FL next month.  She is pretty much up for any adventure that comes our way.  She is super fun to be around and doesn't easily get thrown by whining, meltdowns or temper tantrums.  And, the icing on the cake is, she is magical with Sam.  Jen is as fearless as I am when it comes to trying something new.

Jen has 3 boys; one is Ian's age, one is Sam's age and then there is Evan, the 2 year old.   It's about as perfect as its going to get, with the exception of me having a 3rd too.  But we know that isn't going to happen!

So wish us luck and let's hope this week goes well.  Rain or shine, we are doing it.  We will do our best to not only survive being very outnumbered in the adult to kid ratio, but have fun too!

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