From the show Flower Drum Song:
"I'm a girl, and by me that's only great!
I am proud that my silhouette is curvy,
That I walk with a sweet and girlish gait
With my hips kind of swivelly and swervy."
I find it so fascinating that Sam knows she is a girl and has already begun acting like one doing girly things. Our boy-specific toys (cars, trucks, trains, etc) out number the girl gender toys (play kitchen, doll baby) easily by 100 to 1. Obviously Samantha's older brother has had a good 3 years on her growing his toy collection. Even with all these boy-specific toys, her favorite activity for the past week or so is to take my smallest purse and put it on her shoulder. She likes to carry it and push the baby stroller/walker. Samantha makes her rounds and puts in some serious mileage walking around. Since she isn't comfortable enough to walk on her own, I think Sam really enjoys being able to move and get where she wants to go.

I have big plans for us. As soon as it is appropriate, we will go for mother/daughter pedicures, afternoons of lunch and shopping, and of course, high tea at some of my favorite places with some of my favorite people joining us. I've had my eye on the Teddy Bear tea The Ritz offers for some time now.
I only hope that we become as good of friends as my mom and I are. But since I had a great role model growing up, I don't think I can go too wrong. And to all the girls out there, pinkies up!
Buy her a play tea set soon so you can "practice" going to tea with her stuffed animals and dollies. It's a girl classic. :-)