I Am Mommy; Here Me Roar!
Time and time again I've been told that kids love boundaries. I have found this to be true. I am very happy to say that the majority of Ian's outbursts and defiance is under control. When I see the start of temper tantrum or meltdown, I go through my checklist of what to do and get the situation under control. It is not always 100% effective, but for the most part I am very pleased with the progress we've made. And, we've more than survived a few days with no television allowed.
A little bling never hurt anyone
I've had lots of requests for a picture of the ring. It's hard to get a good picture, but here ya go. The ring is much prettier in person. BTW, a big thank you to everyone who supported me in my point of view in this matter. No one understands Jeff's side, but I love him very much anyway. Jeff says the only people who agree with me are women. Is that true?

It Really Is The Thought That Counts
Jeff was never able to get a replacement on the iTunes gift card he lost before giving it to me, but he found himself back at the Reston Town Center 2 weeks later and surprised me all over again with another gift card. This time the sweet note written on the gc holder was "Your still worth it."
Not For The Faint Of Heart
The selection of toys I brought home from the midnight madness sale at Toys R Us on Thanksgiving night for the kids was perfect. Nothing needed to be returned and I did a good job in my sleep-deprieved state shopping. HOWEVER, two days later, a Toys R Us circular appeared in the newspaper and 3 of the toys I purchased were now marked for a lower price than what I paid for it. Oy!! Of course, I went back, got a price adjustment and $42 credited back to my credit card.
Playing Hooky From Raking Leaves
We ended up paying the landscaper to rake and bag our leaves. For all of 3 days it was glorious to look at the ground and not see any leaves. I really got excited about not having to go out there and do the job myself. Jeff was right, this was much nicer. However, I think we had him come two weeks too early, because within a week's time it looked like nothing had been down to the lawn. So, in the end, I got out there over the course of a weekend and did the front lawn (1.5 hours) and the backyard (3 hours) myself. It was great exercise and I didn't mind doing it, but next year we are going to have to work on our timing better if we are paying someone to get the leaves.
Going For It
I am happy to announce that I was officially selected to run in the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler this April. I am scared and excited all in the same moment. Is it possible to be smiling while throwing-up? I ran it in 2007, so I know I can do it; but right now it feels like a huge mountain for me to tackle. I will officially start following the training schedule in January.
I've been getting used to eating gluten free. It is not fun and still doesn't come as the automatic choice in ordering something on a restuarant menu. The thing I am most blown away with is how my friends have gone out of their way to accomodate my new dietary needs. The girls in my monthly bookclub offer almost all gluten-free snacks. Dinner and/or parties at my friend's houses are very much aware of what I can and can not eat. They make sure that I will not go hungry. And, a few of "the girls" have even purchased packaged foods (pasta, oatmeal) for me when they see them being sold. It is very touching to have this much support. And, I love how many people have come up to me to share their Celiac story and give some wonderful tips and advice. I am not alone!
A New Year's Wish
I hope everyone reading this has a wonderful 2010, filled with much love, laughter and happiness. Happy new year! I am looking forward to a great year, being surrounded by my darling husband, two wild-n-crazy, adorable kids and not take any of the good fortune and blessings I have for granted. My big new year's resolutions this coming year will be to live in the moment and continue to do what I can to be a healthier, stronger woman and mother who has the energy to keep up with two of the most highly spirited kids she knows and loves.