
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Getting kooky, Part 2

The lights go down, the calming, new-agey music is turned up louder.  We are told to start breathing, deeper, deeper now, breathe and sink into our chair deeper, while the hypnotist counts to 10.  All of this is done very slowly, very softly and very drawn out.

We are then told to close our eyes (still breathing deeply) and put out our arms, with one palm turned upright and the other palm turned downward.  The palm facing up is holding a stack of books.  The books are getting heavier and heavier.  The other hand, with the palm facing down is holding a 100 helium balloons.   We are told the hand with the books is starting feel a ton of weight and the hand with the balloons is getting lighter.  After a minute or so, we are told to open our eyes and look around.  Everyone's arms are slightly raised/lowered apart appropriately.  Donna's hands have not budged in either direction at all.  Mine, however, can not get any lower (the one holding the "pretend" books) and my other arm is sticking straight up (the one holding the "pretend" balloons).  Right away, the counselor is looking at me and says that for someone who was so worried about going under, I turn out to be the most suggestible.  Um, doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that one hand is going to want to sink and the other hand is going to want to be lifted up.  In any event, I am still excited that I am doing this and can't wait to really get to work.

We start the breathing exercise again.  Go deeper, deeper still, sinking deep into our chair.  Over the course of the next hour and a half, we are told that from now on we will make healthier food choices, our portion sizes will be smaller, we will want to exercise every day.  Our bodies will crave the exercise and we will enjoy it.  We are thirsty and want only pure water to drink.  Very, very thirsty.  From now on, pure, clean water is all we'll want.

We are told we can picture ourselves thinner, more in shape.  These 'suggestions' are given over and over again, all the while we keep up our deep breathing.  When its time to open our eyes, we will stretch and feel awake and energized. 

"Ok, I will count back from 5.  When I get to 1, open your eyes..5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

"Let's go around the room and see what you all thought..."

Donna:  I don't think I was suggestible at all.

Hypnotist:  Ok, good.

Me:  I am pretty sure I fell asleep.

Hypnotist:  Ok, good.  By the way, you were deeper than anyone.

(YES, BECAUSE I FELL ASLEEP!!  Can I just add here - what did you think was going to happen when you take all electronics out of my hand, dim the lights and tell me to close my eyes?  Hello!?!?  I am one tired mommy, of course I am going to fall asleep.  Frankly, I am surprised more people didn't fall asleep.)

Gene:  I don't think it worked at all.  I could hear everything you were saying and I was conscious the whole time.

Hypnotist:  Ok, good.

The next 4 people all say the same:  I was in and out, going in and out of deepness.

Hypnotist:  Ok, good.

The last lady in our circle:  I have a hard time hearing and couldn't hear you very well.  I was actually getting bored, ready for it to be over.

Hypnotist:  Ok, good.

"Ok, good"?  What is that all about?  No matter what anyone had to say, including the woman who couldn't even hear her -- 'Ok, good.'   Whatever.

We are now told that even if we didn't think it worked, to give it a week and reflect on how we feel.  Did we subtly start making changes...Did we exercise more?  Watch our portion size?  Did we start carrying a bottle of water with us? 

What happened next?  Stay tuned for Getting kooky, Part 3.  This next part is a doozy!

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