
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Getting kooky

My friend (who I will refer to as "Donna") texted me about a month ago and wrote, "If you promise not to laugh, I want to propose something to you."   Turns out she bought a Groupon deal for two for weight loss hypnosis and was looking for a buddy to go with.  She initially thought her husband would join her but he declined.  Heck ya I would go with her!  I not only didn't laugh, I was honored she thought of me.  As we approached our hypnosis session, I got very excited and couldn't wait to see what this was all about.  Who knows? Maybe they could put me in a hypnotic trance and leave me like that for 6 or so months.   You know, just long enough to lose 50 pounds.  Or, maybe I could be given the power of suggestion that every time someone snaps their finger, I reach for a piece of fruit instead of chips to eat.  Ah, the possibilities are endless!

The big day arrives and Donna and I make our way to Rockville.  We are signed up to participate in a group session.  There are a total of 8 of us, all here for the same reason; to lose some weight.  We are told in the introduction, once we are "under" we will be given the following suggestions: to eat healthier, eat less, drink more water and exercise more.

Right away, we are off to a great start as the woman running this session asks my friend, in front of everyone, if she is expecting.  Um, NO!!!  Seriously, you are going to ask someone who is already feeling overly conscious of their weight and here for a weight loss program too boot, if they are pregnant?  OUCH! 

The whole session is to last 1 to 1.5 hours.  We are in this room for over 3 hours.  Is this a sign things are going well or horribly wrong?  I am not sure.  We start (after Donna says, "No, she is not expecting") by going around the circle introducing ourselves and saying what we hope to get out of this.  There is a guy seated next to my left, named Gene, who is wearing baggy clothes and is acting like he is a reporter undercover.  I should note, he said he wants to lose 24 lbs by Wednesday.  But if you take away the baggy clothes, you can tell he doesn't have any weight to lose. All he really needs to feel better about himself is a hair cut.  He's got a piece of paper on his lap and is taking notes.  This rattles the hypnotist big-time and she keeps asking him what he is writing.  Finally, at the end of the evening she tells him to put the piece of paper down and says to him, "I don't think you are here for the reason you say your here." 

I've never been hypnotized before and am not sure what to expect.  We are told that EVERYONE is able to be hypnotized and it is a matter how deep you go.  After about an hour of discussion on how our brain works and is wired, we are ready to go under.  I ask a question - Will I be able to tell how deep I go?   Apparently this rattles her and she says that no one has ever asked her that question before and wants to know why I am asking it. 

We are finally ready to begin.

Stay tuned for Part 2 and what happens when we get hypnotized.....

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