
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Getting kooky, Part 4

The following Monday morning (a full week later), my cell phone rings.  It is the hypnotist!  Wow, I wasn't expecting to hear from her.

Her:  I am just calling and checking up to see how your week went.

Me:  Thanks for calling, but I have to honestly tell you that I don't think I made any changes this past week.

Her:  That's ok.  I'm only looking for subtle changes.

Me:  I really think I fell asleep during the session.  You take electronics out of my hand, turn down the lights, play relaxing music and I'm going to fall asleep.

Her:   You didn't fall asleep!!!  You only think that because you have nothing else to compare this experience to.  But when I said I am counting backwards from 3-2-1 and open your eyes, you did!  That means you weren't asleep.  You went very, very deep, which means you are highly suggestible.  Being this suggestible is a sign of high intelligence.  (She certainly knows how to keep me listening.  :)). YOU can take this in any direction you want -- money, partner, gold, weight loss...whatever you want to make happen. 

Me:  That's cool, but I still feel like I had checked out and fell asleep.

Her:  I am calling everyone in your group session and apologizing for what happened that night.  There was a gentleman who wasn't there for the reason he said he was.  He sent me an email the next morning letting me know he was part of the media and worked for The Washington Post.   I was so annoyed when I found this out.  He was destructive to the group and didn't let me do the best I could do.  He wasn't open to the experience and was constantly deconstructing everything I was saying.
I am offering everyone a special one-on-one session.  An individual session will be tailored to only you.   A group session needs to cater to everyone. Can I schedule you this now, yes or no? 

Me (I am silent.  Not sure how to answer.)

Her:  Would you like to think about this?

Me:  Yes.  Thank you for your call.

Her:  Please let me know what you would like to do.

Me:  Ok, bye.

WOW!!  So we totally nailed that guy correctly!  He was a reporter.  Hmmm, I wonder if he'll still be writing his article.  I wonder if I'll be known as the girl who said she fell asleep.  :)

I have no idea what I am going to do.  I am still very intrigued with this whole hypnosis thing, but right now, I am feeling very skeptical about her abilities.  I am leaning towards letting this opportunity for a special one-on-one session to pass.

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